Another Round of Publicity
Ok, so it's been awhile between posts... Sorry about that, the PR bandwagon took me on another road trip...
If you are interested I am featured in this weeks 'Bulletin' cover story. The article titled '
Confessions of a Gen Y' is about, you guessed it Gen Y and what makes us. It's a really interesting article and Katherine Fleming did a great job.
I was also featured in Novembers Independent Financial Advisor Magazine - you can download the article
Also keep a look out for this month Australian Anthill - rumor has it my book gets a thumbs up ;)
So Who is THAT guy? Well, 'That Name Tage Guy' is Scott Ginsberg. See my good buddy, Scott is the only person in the world who wears a nametag 24-7-365 (since November 2, 2000 to be exact).
Why? To encourage people to become friendlier and more approachable.
Scott is recognised as "The Authority on Approachability" & "The World's Foremost Expert on Nametags" and has been featured on/in CNN, The Wall Street Journal and even Ripleys Believe It Or Not.
He is also the author of 3 books, his latest being 'How To Be That Guy'. Scott kindly gave me a copy of 'How To Be That Guy' when we caught up on my most recent trip to the USA. I started flicking through it on a flight from Dallas, Texas to Sacramento, California and couldn't put it down.
Here are the 'gems' I pulled from the book:
- The word 'Cool' dates back around 100 years. Tenor Saxophonist Lester Young populised the term in jazz circles in the late 1920s. [pg.32]
- Scott created his own word 'UNCONCELABLE' - which means becoming so cool people can't help but to talk about you, your product or your business. [pg.35]
- You need a two or three word brand description. When Scott was being interviewed on CNN he was asked for a two or three word description to go under his name on screen. What would your two or three word brand description be? [pg. 44]
- A simple yet powerful quote; "You don't have to be great to get started;but you have to get started to be great" - Scott Ginsberg [pg.76]
- 'Genericide' (juh.NAYR.uh.syd) n. The process by which a brand name becomes a generic name for an entire product category... I know all about this but never had a name for it [pg.104]
- The entire chapter titled 'The most important word in marketing'. So powerful you MUST buy the book just for these 7 pages [pg.111-118]
- Another quote "The most UNFORGETTABLE and MAGNETIC brands are participatory" -Scott Ginsberg. Think of all the products you get to 'play with' before you buy, or think of all the adverts (radio and TV) that you quote all time time! 'NOT HAPPY JAN' - This is all participatory [pg.124]
- The 5 key elements of an impactful business card... Luckily for me I had 80% coverd on my cards. [pg.139]
- 'Internetworking'; The development and maintenance of mutually valuable relationships online"... If you want to succeed at all you need to develop your internetworking abilities to grow your exposure online [pg.148]
- I need to get a FLICKR site... I will let you know when mine is up, but for the meantime Visit Scotts Flickr site [pg.162]
- There are 3 reasons why people buy from you: 1. They've HEARD you 2. They've heard OF you 3. Someone they TRUST has heard OF you [pg.183]
I also learnt a few other things about Scott; He has a strange fetish for fruit and veg [pg.54], I want to play him in golf [pg.149] and I want to visit Puerto Vallarta [pg.176]
So basically you NEED to buy this book, it's not a suggestion, it's a requirement to keep reading this BLOG [lol]. Because Scott self publishes, the book is excellent value and I have only covered a tiny portion of what's inside!
Check out Scott's site now
The Week That Was....
I am going to continue my ego strocking for another post and update you all on the latest round of media my new book is recieveing.
The profits in the Percentages
Ok, we have all heard the saying "it's the one percenters that make the difference"... Well as true as it is, it's not what I am talking about here.
I am talking about how percentages affect the pricing of your product. In my book 'How To Turn Your Million Dollar Idea Into A Reality' I spend a lot of time talking about pricing and how to calculate a price for your product that will give you the maximum amount of overall profit.
I would like to expand on this topic today and throw another theory I have developed into the mix - 'The Theory of Pricing Percentage'
This 'theory' is designed to help you effectively price your product to ensure that the maximum number of 'customers' in your target market can buy your product. See, most entrepreneurs take a very egocentric approach to pricing - they either develop a pricing stucture based on
- the costs required to supply the product
- the gross profit they wish to make per sale
- or a combination of the two
'The Theory of Pricing Percentage' however states "It's not how much you sell your product for, it's what percentage of your target's disposable income it costs them"
In other words; you should set your pricing based on what your customers can afford in terms of their disposable income.
For example, if you are selling 'widgets' that your target market purchase on a weekly basis you should consider setting the price as a percentage of their weekly disposable income. If your target markets weekly disposable income is, say $400 - a charge of 2% would be a cost of $8. Where as if your target market has a disposable income of $900 per week you could sell to them for $18 (the same 2%).
Charging them 2%, results in the same 'pain cost' to the consumer, and in theory the same level of inertia to overcome.
Now when I say 2% I am not saying make the price tag say 2% of your disposable income and make them bring in a pay check to calculate the costs; what I am saying is do some research and work out approx what 2% of your typical cutomers disposable income would be and charge that flat price.
The Best Definition of Direct Mail
Direct Mail expert Gary Halbert says that Direct Mail Advertising is like a small child:
It’s totally useless if you give it more than one thing to do at a time.
If anyone is interested I am being interviewed on the TODAY show Thursday morning regarding
'How To Turn Your Million Dollar Idea Into A Reality'.
Make sure you switch to Channel 9 at around 8:15am Thursday November 2 to view an interview between myself and
Ross Greenwood.
P.S. I am also on 3AW Sunday afternoon at around 4pm with Dennis Walters.