Featured in 'Million Dollar Mine'
I have been featured in the October, 2006 edition of Robert Allen's Million Dollar Mine Ezine - the e-newsletter for the New York Times Best-Selling book, The One Minute Millionaire.
Robert Allen and his team used my Selling the 'G venture as a success story. As most of you would know the idea to Sell the MCG came from reading Robet Allen and Mark Victor Hansens great book.
Here is an excert from the e-zine:
Success Story
After reading The One Minute Millionaire at the age of 21, the story of Paul Hartunian and his 'selling the brooklyn bridge' venture really was an "AHA" moment for me (I am currently 24).
I then began to look around Australia for how I could do a similar venture at home - At the same time, Australia's version of 'Yankee Stadium,' The Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) was getting redeveloped. I was able to rescue from the wrecking company a bunch of timber...
Read Pete's Success Story
They even kindly told the work my book title ( you can see that when you click the 'read Pete's success story' link)
If you are interested in signing up to their e-zine visit: http://www.oneminutemillionaire.com/newsletter/